• Life,  Work

    What’s In My Bag? Pre-COVID Edition

    I recently decided to change up my “normal” and work from my company’s local office. This was my first time back in a formal office setting since March 2020. Since then, I have been working from home and haven’t had an opportunity to use my work bag. I thought it would be a fun trip down memory lane to do a post about what I had in my bag when going to the office was a thing! My new group is 80%-100% remote so I most likely won’t be using a work bag anytime soon unless I work from my local office or end up traveling to Tampa for work.…

  • Life

    2021 Life Update

    It has been a while since my last blog post (6 months to be specific). Since that time, we’ve lived through six more months of work-from-home and wanted to do a life update. Upon reflection, quite a few things have changed over the past six months and it’s fun to track life events and updates! I’m planning on doing another 101 in 1001 update soon with a (surprisingly) long list of updates. I finished my 4th busy season (5th year of work). I’ve worked at the same public accounting company since I graduated in 2016 and finished my 4th busy season. This would have been my 5th, but I missed…