• Life

    My 2023 Vision Board

    In addition to my theme of the year, I’ve decided to try vision boarding! I’ve never made one before but I was influenced by TikTok that vision boarding/manifesting may actually be effective (major TBD ???). While most vision boards that I’ve seen are physical boards, I’m trying out a digital vision board. So thanks to Pinterest, I put together my 2023 vision board: The Process For those who haven’t used Pinterest, it’s a website/app that allows people to save and share images or “pins” on specific pinboards. You’re can search for specific words or phrases and it will return different images that match or are related. If you find an…

  • Life

    Hello 2023 + Theme of the Year

    Hello 2023! For some reason, this has been the most excited I’ve ever been going into a new year. Maybe it’s because I’ve entered into my 30s or maybe because I finally feel comfortable setting and enforcing my boundaries. I’ve done some serious self-reflection and left my insecurities and worries behind, or at least have tried my best. I used to be a big “near year resolutions gal” because I love a good list. But I found myself feeling that I “failed” the year because I didn’t check off all of my resolutions. I hated feeling defeated at the end of a year, so last year I moved away from…