• Books,  Life

    What I Read in January 2022

    As I’ve mentioned in My Top 5 Books of 2021 post, my goal is to read 36 books this year! I want to chronicle the books I read every month – and to give my recommendations. I know February is almost to an end, but it’s never too late amirite? A note to the reader (get it): This month’s list is LONG – 10 books long. I started the year with a week of vacation so I had plenty of time to read and listen to books. I’ve really leaned into having two library cards (and a large catalog of unread physical books) so at any given time I’m listening/reading…

  • Life

    10 Books I Read in 2020

    At the start of the decade, I made a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. One of these goals was to read at least 10 books over the next 2.75 years. I’m not a big reader (but huuuuuge book purchaser, holler) so 10 books seemed like a reasonable number for me. At some point during 2020, I decided I wanted to read 10 books throughout 2020 – and look at me now, I did it! One of my favorite hobbies is buying books, if you consider that a hobby. Do I read them? Probably not, but I wanted to change that. My overall plan is…