• Life

    Hello 2023 + Theme of the Year

    Hello 2023! For some reason, this has been the most excited I’ve ever been going into a new year. Maybe it’s because I’ve entered into my 30s or maybe because I finally feel comfortable setting and enforcing my boundaries. I’ve done some serious self-reflection and left my insecurities and worries behind, or at least have tried my best. I used to be a big “near year resolutions gal” because I love a good list. But I found myself feeling that I “failed” the year because I didn’t check off all of my resolutions. I hated feeling defeated at the end of a year, so last year I moved away from…

  • Life

    2019 in Review

    To be quite honest, this year has been an emotional roller coaster. I have experienced the deepest sadness, but also felt joy in many ways. As I reflect on this past year, I want to remember these moments that have defined the person that I am. It’s important to not discount and embrace the painful moments because they shape who you are and help you grow. January I hosted my best friends bachelorette weekly in Austin! It was filled with lots of hot tub-ing, pole dancing classes and explicit souvenirs (because duh). I’ve been to five bachelorette parties, including my own, and they have all been in Austin – but…

  • Family,  Life

    A new year.

    At the start of every year, I go through a process of identifying various goals I want to achieve. I’ve tried setting generic goals such as “eat healthier”, to specific goals such as “drink 8 glasses of water a day”. Somehow I always find myself slacking off only a few weeks after I started. However, I recently realized that I wanted to change my focus this year away from specifics and toward a single mantra: Be where your feet are. For the better part of my life, I have been a planner. I’ve spent countless hours figuring out each second of my week, month, trying to optimize every day. As…

  • Life

    My Top 5 Passion Projects for 2018

    I was scrolling through Instagram last night, as I usually do before bed, and stumbled upon the idea of passion projects. I thought it was just another Instagram hashtag that people were using, but I did some research (aka a Google search) and it’s actually a thing! A passion project is essentially a side project that interests you. Initially that seems pretty broad but I think that’s what makes it a great concept. I love the idea of having projects outside of your daily work life that is centered around a topic that you are passionate about. There have been plenty of things that I have always had an interest in but…

  • Life

    2018 Goals

    I can’t believe another year has passed and we are in 2018! Last year was possibly one of the most stressful yet most wonderful years of my life. I experienced my first “busy season” as a full-time auditor with 16+ hour work days. On top of that, I was trying to plan my dream wedding! If you ask my now husband what our lives were like last year he would definitely say those were trying times. Luckily for us, we made it through. It has been over a year as a working professional and now I am now a wife (it still feels weird to say). 2018 feels like a…