• Life

    My 30th Year

    Today is my 30th birthday! Thirty years of life filled with so many wonderful memories, but also with heartbreaks. I’ve learned so much about myself this past decade and celebrated many milestones, including graduating college and starting my career, marrying my high school sweetheart and purchasing our first home, expanding our family by adopting Gordo, finding my community, and exploring the world. I know most people think 30 is “old”, but I’ve been looking forward to this next decade of life for a while. While I wouldn’t wish anyone to experience the hardships I’ve gone through the past few years, it truly has made me the person I am today,…

  • Christmas tree

    My 8 Go-To Anxiety-Free Movies & TV Shows

    Am I the only one that has a list of movies where I can pick one and am totally at ease? Some days during the week (or really any day), I feel a sense of anxiousness. This may be due to a busy workday or upcoming events or it just being a Monday. One of the ways I try to reduce my anxiety is to put on one of my favorite movies where I know exactly what’s going to happen and therefore no anxiety of the unknown. I’m obviously not a doctor (to my parents’ disappointment) but this is what helps me de-escalate my anxiety and feel calm and productive…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #2

    In January, I started a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Now that my company has decided we are working from home most likely through the end of Q1 (that’s March 31st for you non-accounting/finance friends), I have finally decided to settle into this new “normal”. We have become *somewhat* more productive, at least as much as we can from staying at home. It has been over 3 months since my last update, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity do an update, especially because a lot of milestones have occurred (ie. anniversaries, elections, etc). Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Personal 1. Read…

  • Life

    My Fall Bucket List

    It’s finally starting to feel like fall in Houston with the temperatures falling under 80 degrees! The last quarter of the year, Q4 as us accountants say, is my favorite time of year. We have three major holidays month-after-month: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Years. This year looks a little different. We aren’t able to enjoy the outdoors as much as we normally would, but I still have a bucket list of things to do this year. 1. Set-up Halloween decorations (this year we’re doing a Halloween village). Halloween is arguably the most important holiday of the year in our household. We usually have a Halloween party with our family and…

  • Life

    How Quarantine Has Changed Us

    We are going on month six of quarantine and we, along with many others, have had to adjust to our new normal. It has really forced and yet allowed, us to re-think how we live our lives. I started working from home mid-busy season. In fact, I had only been back at work for two weeks before the stay-at-home order was put into place. At first, working from home was exciting and gave me a boost in energy. I didn’t mind working late as long as I could be in pajamas. After two months I missed having a routine. Now that we have officially been working from home for five…

  • Family,  Life

    A new year.

    At the start of every year, I go through a process of identifying various goals I want to achieve. I’ve tried setting generic goals such as “eat healthier”, to specific goals such as “drink 8 glasses of water a day”. Somehow I always find myself slacking off only a few weeks after I started. However, I recently realized that I wanted to change my focus this year away from specifics and toward a single mantra: Be where your feet are. For the better part of my life, I have been a planner. I’ve spent countless hours figuring out each second of my week, month, trying to optimize every day. As…

  • Life

    My Top 5 Passion Projects for 2018

    I was scrolling through Instagram last night, as I usually do before bed, and stumbled upon the idea of passion projects. I thought it was just another Instagram hashtag that people were using, but I did some research (aka a Google search) and it’s actually a thing! A passion project is essentially a side project that interests you. Initially that seems pretty broad but I think that’s what makes it a great concept. I love the idea of having projects outside of your daily work life that is centered around a topic that you are passionate about. There have been plenty of things that I have always had an interest in but…

  • Life

    2018 Goals

    I can’t believe another year has passed and we are in 2018! Last year was possibly one of the most stressful yet most wonderful years of my life. I experienced my first “busy season” as a full-time auditor with 16+ hour work days. On top of that, I was trying to plan my dream wedding! If you ask my now husband what our lives were like last year he would definitely say those were trying times. Luckily for us, we made it through. It has been over a year as a working professional and now I am now a wife (it still feels weird to say). 2018 feels like a…

  • Life

    A new adventure!

    I did it! I am finally starting my blogging journey. This has been something that I have been wanting to do since as early as high school. I have tried starting a blog probably 2 to 3 times in the past. I may even have half a dozen blog posts out there. But now that I have begun this new chapter of my life, I am starting fresh! Drew and I got married 2 weeks ago and just came back from our honeymoon in Santorini and Athens, Greece. He has known that I have been wanting to blog for a while but I never had the courage to start. The…