• Life

    101 in 1001 Update #3

    It’s been a while since my last 101 and 1001 Update back in November 2020 (feels like a lifetime ago), so I figured it would be a great time to do an update! Now that it’s been over a year and a few new life updates, I’ve had more time to spend on my hobbies, including this blog. Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Personal 1. Read at least 10 books (COMPLETE) I am surprised by myself that I COMPLETED this goal!!! I spent more time last year reading than I have in a few years (embarrassing, I know). In a previous post, I…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #2

    In January, I started a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Now that my company has decided we are working from home most likely through the end of Q1 (that’s March 31st for you non-accounting/finance friends), I have finally decided to settle into this new “normal”. We have become *somewhat* more productive, at least as much as we can from staying at home. It has been over 3 months since my last update, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity do an update, especially because a lot of milestones have occurred (ie. anniversaries, elections, etc). Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Personal 1. Read…

  • Life

    My Fall Bucket List

    It’s finally starting to feel like fall in Houston with the temperatures falling under 80 degrees! The last quarter of the year, Q4 as us accountants say, is my favorite time of year. We have three major holidays month-after-month: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Years. This year looks a little different. We aren’t able to enjoy the outdoors as much as we normally would, but I still have a bucket list of things to do this year. 1. Set-up Halloween decorations (this year we’re doing a Halloween village). Halloween is arguably the most important holiday of the year in our household. We usually have a Halloween party with our family and…

  • Life

    2019 in Review

    To be quite honest, this year has been an emotional roller coaster. I have experienced the deepest sadness, but also felt joy in many ways. As I reflect on this past year, I want to remember these moments that have defined the person that I am. It’s important to not discount and embrace the painful moments because they shape who you are and help you grow. January I hosted my best friends bachelorette weekly in Austin! It was filled with lots of hot tub-ing, pole dancing classes and explicit souvenirs (because duh). I’ve been to five bachelorette parties, including my own, and they have all been in Austin – but…