• Travel

    2022 Recap: Travel

    As we near the end of 2022, I’ve been reflecting on all of the fun places we’ve been able to go to this year! This was the first year in our “pandemic era” where we’ve had the opportunity to travel, including international travel. We’ve been itching to travel for the past few years and we really got to do that this year. This year had a lot of trips to Tampa for work and many fun trips with friends. Take a look at our 12 months of travel throughout 2022! January We started off the year with a family ski trip to Durango, Colorado! It was our first ski trip…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #4 (Final)

    It’s been a minute! But I’m back with my final update for my 101 in 1001 (Update #4). It’s hard to believe I started this back in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. My life has completely changed since then and my priorities in life have completely shifted, but it’s fun to see what I have experienced in the 1001 days! Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Update #3: December 26, 2021 Personal 2. Run (or walk) a 5K (COMPLETE) Back in April 2022, Drew and I ran/walked our first 5K together! It was the green6.2 and 5K that was hosted by…

  • Family,  Travel

    4-Day Ski Trip to Durango

    We took our first family trip (in a long time) with my family to Durango for a weekend of skiing! This was my first time skiing in 5-ish years and my dad and sister’s first time skiing (her boyf has gone once before but he was basically Drew’s level #athleticpeopleamirite). Drew goes every year with his friends (no, I’m not invited………..) so he’s basically a professional. We’ve never been to Durango but my sister’s boyfriend recommended it because he had friends in the area and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. If you’re looking for an affordable, non-touristy town/resort to ski, I would HIGHLY recommend Durango. The ski…

  • Travel

    What I Packed for 4 Days in Durango

    I recently went on a 4-day ski trip with my family to Durango – you can read all about it soon! This was our first family vacation in I don’t even know how many years. I have gone skiing twice before, so I had an idea of what to pack. Drew and I wanted to keep our luggage to just one carry-on suitcase each, his backpack, and one bag for our helmets and miscellaneous ski gear. I knew were would spend a lot of our evenings at the condo so I wasn’t too concerned with overpacking and looking cute (and thank goodness I didn’t because we literally would not have…