• Travel

    Our Stay at Andronis Luxury Suites

    In October, Drew and I went back to Santorini for our 5-year anniversary trip! We went to Oia, Santorini for a portion of our honeymoon and loved it so much that we wanted to return for our first milestone anniversary. During our original trip, we stayed at Atrina Canava 1894 and had a great time! For our second visit back to the island, we wanted to try somewhere new and picked Andronis Luxury Suites. You can’t really go wrong with any resort on the island, but I had a few criteria in mind when picking our resort. From location to amenities to price, I tried to think of anything and…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #4 (Final)

    It’s been a minute! But I’m back with my final update for my 101 in 1001 (Update #4). It’s hard to believe I started this back in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. My life has completely changed since then and my priorities in life have completely shifted, but it’s fun to see what I have experienced in the 1001 days! Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Update #3: December 26, 2021 Personal 2. Run (or walk) a 5K (COMPLETE) Back in April 2022, Drew and I ran/walked our first 5K together! It was the green6.2 and 5K that was hosted by…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #3

    It’s been a while since my last 101 and 1001 Update back in November 2020 (feels like a lifetime ago), so I figured it would be a great time to do an update! Now that it’s been over a year and a few new life updates, I’ve had more time to spend on my hobbies, including this blog. Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Personal 1. Read at least 10 books (COMPLETE) I am surprised by myself that I COMPLETED this goal!!! I spent more time last year reading than I have in a few years (embarrassing, I know). In a previous post, I…