• Life

    101 in 1001 Update #4 (Final)

    It’s been a minute! But I’m back with my final update for my 101 in 1001 (Update #4). It’s hard to believe I started this back in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. My life has completely changed since then and my priorities in life have completely shifted, but it’s fun to see what I have experienced in the 1001 days! Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Update #3: December 26, 2021 Personal 2. Run (or walk) a 5K (COMPLETE) Back in April 2022, Drew and I ran/walked our first 5K together! It was the green6.2 and 5K that was hosted by…

  • Life

    My Top 5 Books of 2021

    In early 2021, my bestie invited me to join her book club. I had just gotten out of my audit busy season and didn’t have (or make) much time to read for pleasure. After joining this group of supportive, strong, and dynamic women (tbh really my new sistas at this point), it sparked my love for reading for fun! They inspired me not only to read more (also not feel bad if I only read one book per month) but to read beyond my previously (and still) loved genres. Last December (pre-book club), I made a list of 10 books I read in 2020. I’m extremely proud to say that…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #3

    It’s been a while since my last 101 and 1001 Update back in November 2020 (feels like a lifetime ago), so I figured it would be a great time to do an update! Now that it’s been over a year and a few new life updates, I’ve had more time to spend on my hobbies, including this blog. Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Personal 1. Read at least 10 books (COMPLETE) I am surprised by myself that I COMPLETED this goal!!! I spent more time last year reading than I have in a few years (embarrassing, I know). In a previous post, I…

  • Life

    2021 Life Update

    It has been a while since my last blog post (6 months to be specific). Since that time, we’ve lived through six more months of work-from-home and wanted to do a life update. Upon reflection, quite a few things have changed over the past six months and it’s fun to track life events and updates! I’m planning on doing another 101 in 1001 update soon with a (surprisingly) long list of updates. I finished my 4th busy season (5th year of work). I’ve worked at the same public accounting company since I graduated in 2016 and finished my 4th busy season. This would have been my 5th, but I missed…

  • Life

    10 Books I Read in 2020

    At the start of the decade, I made a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. One of these goals was to read at least 10 books over the next 2.75 years. I’m not a big reader (but huuuuuge book purchaser, holler) so 10 books seemed like a reasonable number for me. At some point during 2020, I decided I wanted to read 10 books throughout 2020 – and look at me now, I did it! One of my favorite hobbies is buying books, if you consider that a hobby. Do I read them? Probably not, but I wanted to change that. My overall plan is…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #2

    In January, I started a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Now that my company has decided we are working from home most likely through the end of Q1 (that’s March 31st for you non-accounting/finance friends), I have finally decided to settle into this new “normal”. We have become *somewhat* more productive, at least as much as we can from staying at home. It has been over 3 months since my last update, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity do an update, especially because a lot of milestones have occurred (ie. anniversaries, elections, etc). Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Personal 1. Read…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #1

    In January, I started a list of 101 things I wanted to do in 1001 days. Obviously 2020 has been a terrible year but it’s nice to reflect back on that list to see how much I have done in only 7 months. Personal 1. Read at least 10 books (Making progress – 4 out of 10) As I said in my post, I’m not a big reader. I am lucky to finish even one book in a year, at yet, the first place I want to go to relax in a bookstore. This year, I have tried to challenge myself to pick up a book instead of my phone.…

  • Life

    101 in 1001

    In the spirit of the new year and decade, I want to challenge myself to accomplish short-term and long-term goals. Inspired by Design Darling, this list will have 101 things I want to accomplish over the next 1001 days (2.75 years). My goal is to complete all (if not most) of these items, but will try to stay realistic and remind myself that life happens. 101 Things in 1001 Days Start Date: January 15, 2020 End Date: October 12, 2022 Personal ( 0 / 17 ) Read at least 10 books (I’m not a big reader). Run (or walk) a 5K. Vote in the 2020 elections. Learn how to do…