• Life

    2018 Goals

    I can’t believe another year has passed and we are in 2018! Last year was possibly one of the most stressful yet most wonderful years of my life. I experienced my first “busy season” as a full-time auditor with 16+ hour work days. On top of that, I was trying to plan my dream wedding! If you ask my now husband what our lives were like last year he would definitely say those were trying times. Luckily for us, we made it through. It has been over a year as a working professional and now I am now a wife (it still feels weird to say). 2018 feels like a…

  • Life

    A new adventure!

    I did it! I am finally starting my blogging journey. This has been something that I have been wanting to do since as early as high school. I have tried starting a blog probably 2 to 3 times in the past. I may even have half a dozen blog posts out there. But now that I have begun this new chapter of my life, I am starting fresh! Drew and I got married 2 weeks ago and just came back from our honeymoon in Santorini and Athens, Greece. He has known that I have been wanting to blog for a while but I never had the courage to start. The…