• Life

    My 2023 Vision Board

    In addition to my theme of the year, I’ve decided to try vision boarding! I’ve never made one before but I was influenced by TikTok that vision boarding/manifesting may actually be effective (major TBD ???). While most vision boards that I’ve seen are physical boards, I’m trying out a digital vision board. So thanks to Pinterest, I put together my 2023 vision board: The Process For those who haven’t used Pinterest, it’s a website/app that allows people to save and share images or “pins” on specific pinboards. You’re can search for specific words or phrases and it will return different images that match or are related. If you find an…

  • Life

    Hello 2023 + Theme of the Year

    Hello 2023! For some reason, this has been the most excited I’ve ever been going into a new year. Maybe it’s because I’ve entered into my 30s or maybe because I finally feel comfortable setting and enforcing my boundaries. I’ve done some serious self-reflection and left my insecurities and worries behind, or at least have tried my best. I used to be a big “near year resolutions gal” because I love a good list. But I found myself feeling that I “failed” the year because I didn’t check off all of my resolutions. I hated feeling defeated at the end of a year, so last year I moved away from…

  • Books,  Life

    2022 Recap: Books

    I can proudly say that this year was a big year for reading for me! As I’ve mentioned before, I started my adult reading journey in 2020 as part of the 101 in 1001. My original goal was to read 10 books over the course of 1001 days but achieved that goal before the end of 2020. In 2021, I had a goal of reading 15 books and actually read 31. In 2022, my goal was to read 36 books but as of writing this post, I’ve read 91 books this year!! I know – it’s hard for me to believe too. This year, I purchased a Kindle Paperwhite for…

  • Life

    My 30th Year

    Today is my 30th birthday! Thirty years of life filled with so many wonderful memories, but also with heartbreaks. I’ve learned so much about myself this past decade and celebrated many milestones, including graduating college and starting my career, marrying my high school sweetheart and purchasing our first home, expanding our family by adopting Gordo, finding my community, and exploring the world. I know most people think 30 is “old”, but I’ve been looking forward to this next decade of life for a while. While I wouldn’t wish anyone to experience the hardships I’ve gone through the past few years, it truly has made me the person I am today,…

  • Life

    10 Things Vol. 1

    Inspired by Carly Riordan, here are 10 things that have been on my mind lately. This brings it back to the “old school” days of blogging where people would just post online about their thoughts and musings. A lot of content these days is sponsored or “curated” but I thought it’d be fun to just write about random things that are going on in my life. 1. SPORCLE I’m a huge fan of lists – if you couldn’t tell by my 101 in 1001 challenge. I also love a good trivia/quiz situation. Introduce Sporcle. It’s an online “World of Quizzes” where people can create and play quizzes. The beauty of…

  • Life

    Recent Empties – October 2022

    A few weeks ago, I happened to finish up a handful of products at the same time so I thought it would be fun to round up a list of my recent empties. These products have lasted quite a long time so it’s satisfying to finally reach the end of them and give myself an excuse to buy more! P.S. I’ve become an Ulta gal so most of the links below are either Ulta or Target. You can get a lot of these items from Sephora or directly from the brands’ websites. Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray My holy grail makeup product is the Urban Decay All Nighter setting…

  • Life

    101 in 1001 Update #4 (Final)

    It’s been a minute! But I’m back with my final update for my 101 in 1001 (Update #4). It’s hard to believe I started this back in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. My life has completely changed since then and my priorities in life have completely shifted, but it’s fun to see what I have experienced in the 1001 days! Original Post Update #1: August 11, 2020 Update #2: November 15, 2020 Update #3: December 26, 2021 Personal 2. Run (or walk) a 5K (COMPLETE) Back in April 2022, Drew and I ran/walked our first 5K together! It was the green6.2 and 5K that was hosted by…

  • Books,  Life

    What I Read in January 2022

    As I’ve mentioned in My Top 5 Books of 2021 post, my goal is to read 36 books this year! I want to chronicle the books I read every month – and to give my recommendations. I know February is almost to an end, but it’s never too late amirite? A note to the reader (get it): This month’s list is LONG – 10 books long. I started the year with a week of vacation so I had plenty of time to read and listen to books. I’ve really leaned into having two library cards (and a large catalog of unread physical books) so at any given time I’m listening/reading…

  • Life

    My Go-To Makeup Routine

    While I haven’t been wearing much these past few years, I have been using the same brands and products for the past 5+ years. This is my go-to makeup routine with my tried and true products. I try to make the process very streamlined (you know I love a good routine). I can easily do my makeup in less than 15 minutes because I know exactly which 10 items I need. I do have some “nice-to-use” products but I only use those for special occasions. Disclaimer: I’m no makeup expert or skincare guru so I don’t actually know if these specific products are *bad* for your skin, it’s just what…

  • Life

    My Top 5 Books of 2021

    In early 2021, my bestie invited me to join her book club. I had just gotten out of my audit busy season and didn’t have (or make) much time to read for pleasure. After joining this group of supportive, strong, and dynamic women (tbh really my new sistas at this point), it sparked my love for reading for fun! They inspired me not only to read more (also not feel bad if I only read one book per month) but to read beyond my previously (and still) loved genres. Last December (pre-book club), I made a list of 10 books I read in 2020. I’m extremely proud to say that…