• Books,  Life

    2022 Recap: Books

    I can proudly say that this year was a big year for reading for me! As I’ve mentioned before, I started my adult reading journey in 2020 as part of the 101 in 1001. My original goal was to read 10 books over the course of 1001 days but achieved that goal before the end of 2020. In 2021, I had a goal of reading 15 books and actually read 31. In 2022, my goal was to read 36 books but as of writing this post, I’ve read 91 books this year!! I know – it’s hard for me to believe too. This year, I purchased a Kindle Paperwhite for…

  • Books,  Life

    What I Read in January 2022

    As I’ve mentioned in My Top 5 Books of 2021 post, my goal is to read 36 books this year! I want to chronicle the books I read every month – and to give my recommendations. I know February is almost to an end, but it’s never too late amirite? A note to the reader (get it): This month’s list is LONG – 10 books long. I started the year with a week of vacation so I had plenty of time to read and listen to books. I’ve really leaned into having two library cards (and a large catalog of unread physical books) so at any given time I’m listening/reading…