
My 2023 Vision Board

In addition to my theme of the year, I’ve decided to try vision boarding! I’ve never made one before but I was influenced by TikTok that vision boarding/manifesting may actually be effective (major TBD ???). While most vision boards that I’ve seen are physical boards, I’m trying out a digital vision board. So thanks to Pinterest, I put together my 2023 vision board:

The Process

For those who haven’t used Pinterest, it’s a website/app that allows people to save and share images or “pins” on specific pinboards. You’re can search for specific words or phrases and it will return different images that match or are related. If you find an image that meets your search criteria and you’d like to save, you can add it (or “pin”) it to a pinboard. I created a pinboard titled “2023 Vision Board” and started searching for a variety of different phrases, including:

  • Walking outside
  • Coffee shop productivity
  • Camping
  • Picnic
  • Cozy bedroom
  • Fresh vegetables

For my vision board, I found that adding “aesthetic” to my search term returned a lot of images that fit the vibes I was looking for. I repeated this process with different phrases until I felt like my board captured everything I wanted. You can always view your entire board to see if it’s going in the right direction.

One thing I tried to do was pin images that capture the essence of the search phrase. For example, I wanted to spend time in nature so I searched “nature aesthetic”. While there are many gorgeous photos that people have shared on Pinterest of trees and greenery, I scrolled the results until I found a photo that captured the mood of “nature aesthetic” that would inspire me for the year. So I pinned an image of someone lounging by a lake.

Once you’re happy with the images that you have pinned, you can save the link to the board or even create a wallpaper for your computer or phone to reference. I added a Pinterest widget on my iPhone that shows a new image from my “2023 Vision Board” everyday to keep me inspired!

The Theme

As I mentioned in my latest post, this year I’m focusing on simplicity, including:

  • Simplifying my lifestyle – more time outside with Gordo; less time on my phone
  • Simplifying my diet – more fruits and veggies and cooking at home; less caffeine and eating out
  • Simplifying my time – more “enjoying the moment”, relaxation, and self-care; less hustle mentality
  • Simplifying my home – more hygge; less stuff and clutter

I’m hoping this method of “planning” for the year will inspire me throughout the year, rather than setting specific goals (but tbh I do have a habit tracker but that’s more for data collection instead of pass/fail, ya know). We’ll see how this goes in 2023, but it’s only been a few days and I’m already feeling inspired.

Happy vision boarding!


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