
101 in 1001 Update #4 (Final)

It’s been a minute! But I’m back with my final update for my 101 in 1001 (Update #4). It’s hard to believe I started this back in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. My life has completely changed since then and my priorities in life have completely shifted, but it’s fun to see what I have experienced in the 1001 days!

Original Post

Update #1: August 11, 2020

Update #2: November 15, 2020

Update #3: December 26, 2021


2. Run (or walk) a 5K (COMPLETE)

Back in April 2022, Drew and I ran/walked our first 5K together! It was the green6.2 and 5K that was hosted by the Houston Running Co. I had all intentions to train to run the entire thing, but I severely underestimated how my first busy season as a product owner was going to be – I’m talking 90+ hour weeks. So we ended up walking most of it (I <3 Drew for walking with me). But it was a great experience with our friends (who ran the 10K and finished before us heh).

Sweaty but proud after our race!

Marriage (and Gordo)

5. Go to Santorini for our 5th wedding anniversary (COMPLETE)

We just returned from our 5th wedding anniversary trip to Santorini and London! Drew and I honeymooned in Santorini five years ago and had such an amazing time that we promised ourselves we would return for our 5-year anniversary – and we did just that! We planned the trip back in January 2022 and it’s wild to think that we’ve been married for five years (and together for 13 years this November). I’m planning on doing separate posts for the trip but just know, IT WAS JUST AS AMAZING AS 5 YEARS AGO!

View of Oia from our hotel

8. Celebrate Gordo’s 4th birthday (COMPLETE)

I marked this as complete, but confession time: we (almost) forgot his birthday! I promise we’re not bad dog parents, but we had a tubing trip that weekend and got caught up in getting packed for it. We made sure to give him lots of kisses and snuggles before we left, and we all know he’s already a spoiled baby boy.

13. Collect ornaments for each city we visit (COMPLETE)

Since my last 101 in 1001 update, we’ve traveled quite a bit! That means we were able to finally complete our ornament collection for cities we’ve visited, including Durango, CO, Las Vegas, NV, and Santorini, Greece. We actually forgot to get an ornament in Miami, FL (oops) and chose not to get one in London, England (I’ll share why in a separate post).

Drew and I in Durango, Colorado

Family & Friends

7. Send house-warming presents to at least 5 friends (COMPLETE)

The past 1001 days have been the season of home ownership! One of my book club gal pals purchased her first home and I got her Snoop Dogg’s cookbook. Then one of my high school besties and her hubby purchased a house in Austin (also YAY for being back in Texas, they used to live in Washington DC so selfishly I’m happy we’re in the same state again)! I got them a candle, fire extinguisher, and kiddie ladder (because we out here being responsible).


3. Paint our entire home (Making progress)

This was a huge milestone we had planned for 2022 and I’m happy to report that we’re mostly done! We (mainly Drew) painted the ceilings, walls, and some floors of these rooms: guest bedroom, guest bathroom, upstairs hallways, living room, and downstairs (ceilings)! Next on our list is our master bedroom and bathroom, but I’m way too indecisive so give me about 3-5 more years and maybe I’ll decide.

11. Organize our sheets and pillows (COMPLETE)

I’m very Type A so this was a small thing that I’ve been itching to do and knocked it out in one weekend! We pulled out alllllll of our sheets and found all of the sets. Anything that was old or not part of a matching set, we donated! Once we grouped all of the sets, we folded everything and stored them within one of the pillowcases. Now when we change our sheets, we can grab a set and know that all of the right items are together!


5. Annual summer weekend in San Antonio (COMPLETE)

We all know how much I love San Antonio, so obvi we had to make another weekend trip. Drew and I went in June 2022 for his birthday. We stayed at the Emily Morgan (which is *allegedly* haunted) and did all the San Antonio things, including a spa day and exploring the Pearl.

7. Visit at least 5 new cities (COMPLETE)

Wow you guys – this update makes me feel so grateful for the opportunity to travel again given everything that is going on with the world. Traveling is one of my passions so being able to explore more of the world this year has me in my feels (tear). This year alone I’ve traveled to these new cities:

  • Alexandria, VA to visit my high school bestie
  • Tampa, FL for work
  • Durango, CO with my family for skiing
  • Medford, OR with my BIL, SIL, and nephew
  • Las Vegas, NV with Drew for a long fun weekend
  • Miami, FL for a beach staycation

I’m so looking forward to exploring new cities next year! We’ve already got Costa Rica planned and are thinking about Japan!!

View from our hotel balcony in Miami, Florida

9. Spa weekend at La Cantera Resort in San Antonio (COMPLETE)

As part of travel #5 above, Drew and I spent a day at the Loma de Vida Spa at La Cantera. We didn’t do a full spa weekend, but we got a couples massage that evening. Luckily for us, we were able to spend the entire day at the spa because we had spa services. It was a lovely day of R&R (reading and relaxing) by the pool!


1. Go to the Rodeo each year (2022) (COMPLETE)

After two years of the Houston Rodeo being canceled, we were finally able to go in 2022! Funnily enough, Drew and I both went on the same day but with different people – I went with one of my high school friends and Drew went with his parents. We did food and games and pig races lol.

Just for Fun

8. Go to 5 concerts/festivals (COMPLETE)

I’m very excited to report that I went to over 5 concerts and festivals during my 101 in 1001! Since my last update, I’ve been to The Justice World Tour by Justin Bieber in Houston, Calexico in Houston, PLAY by Katy Perry in Vegas, ACL Music Festival in Austin, and (bonus) SIX The Musical in London!! It’s been so great to see and experience live music again and I hope to do it many more times in the future.

It’s been a wild 1001 days, to say the least, but I’ve loved reflecting on all of the fun and exciting things I’ve had the opportunity to do! I hope that the next days, weeks, months, and years are filled with many more memories and experiences with friends and family. As a list gal, it would only be natural for me to create another round of 101 in 1001, but I’ll give myself a break and just see where this next chapter takes me. But in the meantime…

Happy living!


One Comment

  • Steve Tan

    Wow! Great achievement!

    Congratulations to you and Drew’s 5th anniversary!

    I look forward to read your next post.

    Love you!


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