
2021 Life Update

It has been a while since my last blog post (6 months to be specific). Since that time, we’ve lived through six more months of work-from-home and wanted to do a life update. Upon reflection, quite a few things have changed over the past six months and it’s fun to track life events and updates! I’m planning on doing another 101 in 1001 update soon with a (surprisingly) long list of updates.

  • I finished my 4th busy season (5th year of work). I’ve worked at the same public accounting company since I graduated in 2016 and finished my 4th busy season. This would have been my 5th, but I missed the last busy season to be with my family. For anyone that has no idea what a “busy season” is, think: “12 months of activity, audited in 3 months”. So as you could imagine, very busy months with long hours. I’m pretty proud of myself (and my other 5th years).

  • I started a new role. Oh yeah, I started a new role this month! I work in the audit innovation group of the practice and get to use some of my creative energy. It has been a smooth but steep transition but overall a great chance of pace and has been refreshing after 5 years of client service.

  • We got the vaccine! Drew and I both got the vaccine a few months ago! We had to drive to Silsbee, Texas for both doses of the Moderna vaccine. It was an emotional experience because I felt like it was the first step to get back to “normal” and allow us to be around our loved ones without worrying. The day after my first dose, my arm was extremely sore (to the point that Drew had to help me get dressed) but that only lasted a day or so. The more “severe” side effects hit exactly 7 days later: body aches, migraine, and runny nose. Luckily those only lasted one day and I felt normal the next day. Our side effects for the second dose hit us reaaaaal hard by the end of day 1 so we got some legos and spend the day building and watching TV.

  • We added a reading nook/seat in our living room. Around Thanksgiving of last year, we renovated the back wall of our living room and added a reading nook with two casement windows! When I say “we”, I really mean we hired professionals to add a reading nook with two casement windows. They did the entire renovation in one week and we were able to enjoy our new window seat. The windows added so much light to our living room. I sewed a window seat (proud of me) and it now acts as Gordo’s throne.

  • Drew started our landing renovation. As part of our home renovation plan, Drew wanted to add built-ins to our upstairs landing. It’s going to be his “man cave” and be his space to relax, equipped with its own bar. He’s doing this all himself, with some of my input on the design side. As of a few weekends ago, the built-ins are installed and painted and we’re putting the finishing touches. We’re hoping to have the entire space completed by end of summer so we can enjoy the space (and move onto other home projects…ie. painting the entire house).

  • Saw my co-workers for the first in over a year. Over one year since we transitioned to working from home, I finally met up with my co-workers. We took a no-return lunch on a Wednesday (for the rest of the week…oops) and met at the outdoor area at Saint Arnold Brewing Company. I brought Gordo (duh) and all caught up with each other!

  • I joined a book club! My bestie invited me to join her book club with a group of amazing women! I have only been in the group for less than three months and everyone has been so welcoming. Who knew book club meetings would consist of crying, laughing, and everything in between. Would 1000000% recommend!

You don’t realize how much has changed until you’ve written it all down. While things have only started opening back up in Houston, we have still managed to continue on. It’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through 2021, but I’m excited to see what the rest of the year has in store!

Happy summer!


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