
A Day in the Life: Quarantine Edition

Happy March 214th! It’s hard to keep track of the date or even day of the week these days. We’re entering month six of working from home (crazy!) and have no plans to return until 2021. While I feel very lucky working from home because I have the resources and space to do so comfortably, I miss having a proper schedule that includes leaving the house.

I thought it would be fun to document a day in the life: quarantine edition! One day we will look back on this time as a distant memory, so I figured it would be nice to have a record of a “typical” day. This changes every day depending on how I’m feeling, but luckily work has slowed down so I’m getting a little more work-life balance than earlier in the summer.

7:20 AM: Wake-up

I usually set-up 2 alarms in the morning; one around 6:30 AM to warn myself that I need to wake up soon, and one at 7:00 AM to let myself know I should start snoozing. Today, I only snoozed 3 times before finally making myself wake up (yay me!). Then I proceeded to do my morning “routine”, which consisted of the following:

  • Check my phone (5 minutes)
  • Snuggle with Gordo (1 minute)
  • Go to the bathroom (1 minute)
  • Brush teeth and wash my face with cold water (3 minutes)
  • Do my make-up (15 minutes)
  • Get dressed (3 minutes)
  • Brush hair (2 minutes)’

Gordo usually lays in bed like the lazy dog I always hoped for. When I’m done getting ready, I say that magical words “let’s go”, he does his morning stretches, I have to smother him with kisses because he’s just too cute, then we make our way downstairs to see “daddy”.

Drew wakes up with one alarm like a normal human and is already downstairs with coffee on his morning call by the time we get downstairs. I let Gordo out in the backyard to do his business. He does his usual and clears the house by checking every corner to make sure no predators (aka lizards, frogs, the occasional bird, etc) were lurking.

Fun fact: Drew and I have to creepily watch Gordo from our window while he’s in the backyard TCB (which is “taking care of business” in our house, for humans and fur babies) to make sure he doesn’t eat his pewp.

We always hope for 3 points (1 point for a tinkle, 2 points for pewp) but Gordo was only good for 1 point today. I lure him back inside with more keywords, “wanna eat?”, and he rushes back inside.

7:50 AM Order Starbucks

I usually treat myself to Starbucks 1-2 times per week. Because I had a 6-hour meeting this day, I considered today one of those Starbucks days. Since quarantine began, I only used the Starbucks app to pre-order our drinks. I ordered our usual: Venti peach green tea lemonade with low ice for me and a venti blonde roast with 2 packs of sugar and a “normal” splash of milk for Drew.

Before we left to pick-up our order, we fed Gordo and let him out to get some more points. Fortunately, he got 2 points and we were in the clear to leave the house. We try to make sure he gets at least 3 points before leaving the house because how rude if not amirite?!

One of my favorite “quarantivities” is to get Starbucks with Drew! Mainly because it gets us out of the house and is something we can do together. Luckily, the one we go to is only 5 minutes away so we do our round trip and start our day.

8:20 AM Work

Today was the first day I transitioned from my summer client to my main client, so I spent the morning wrapping up a few last items on my summer project. We had a 6-hour meeting scheduled for my second client to start our 2020 work. I hadn’t talked much to the team for my main client so it was nice to catch up with everyone.

12:00 PM Lunch at home

I had a lunch break from our meeting and today we got to expense it on our company! My pick today was Tarka Indian Kitchen, one of our favorites. I opted for the vegetable samosa and chicken biryani – my go-to’s!

1:00 PM Afternoon of meetings

We continued our meeting throughout the afternoon and thank goodness we got coffee before work. Gordo usually sleeps under my desk during the day, but today he was extra needy and tried to be an active co-worker during the day. While I was working, I thought I smelled *someone’s* smelly bref, and ^ that is what I see. At least he has a positive attitude about working!

After our meeting concluded, I was tasked with creating our annual plan. Being the Type A person that I am, I love a good excel file with a detailed plan so this was my jam. I got a little carried away a spent more time than I had initially planned so an hour and a half later, I headed straight to dinner.

6:30 PM: Dinner with a friend

I met a friend for an outdoor patio dinner at Backstreet Cafe, masks included. The last time I ate here was over a year ago for brunch, but my sister recently went and reminded me of how great it was. We were seated inside but next time I go, I would request sitting outside on the patio.

We hadn’t seen each other in almost a year so it was great to catch up! It felt just like old times. We have known each other since we were 11 years old, hi 6th-grade WAVE program! It’s always nice to catch up with childhood friends to see how far we’ve come and reminisce on the “good days”. We considered middle school, specifically 8th-grade, to be our peak. You know, the dancing to “Pop Lock and Drop It” while wearing gaucho days. I would never turn down an opportunity to talk about how much fun our tween days were. But in all seriousness, it was great to meet up with an old friend over a good meal.

10:00 PM Watch a movie with Drew

After dinner, Drew and I settled down and watched a Halloween movie. We try to watch a Halloween movie every night during October to get into the Halloween spirit. This evening we opted for The Babysitter: Killer Queen on Netflix. He didn’t make it through the entire movie because he isn’t much of a night person.

1:00 AM Go to sleep!

Before we knew it, it was 1 AM and we were up way past our bedtime. My evening routine consisted of a double cleanse, brushing my teeth, and giving a few last snuggles to my baby boy Gordo before going to sleep.

This day was more active than normal. Most days consist of waking up, working, going on a walk, dinner, vegging around, and sleeping. Drew and I try not to leave the house too often, but we give ourselves some freedom to catch up with friends throughout this “stay at home” period.

Happy “stay at home”!


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