
2018 Goals

I can’t believe another year has passed and we are in 2018! Last year was possibly one of the most stressful yet most wonderful years of my life. I experienced my first “busy season” as a full-time auditor with 16+ hour work days. On top of that, I was trying to plan my dream wedding! If you ask my now husband what our lives were like last year he would definitely say those were trying times. Luckily for us, we made it through. It has been over a year as a working professional and now I am now a wife (it still feels weird to say). 2018 feels like a time for refreshing!

Drew and I have big goals for the year and are on track so far to reach them (fingers crossed!), but I have a few personal goals that I want to achieve and a few areas in my life that I want to focus more on this year.

1. Use my blog as an outlet.

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for as long as I can remember. Now that I’ve experienced a full year working an 8-to-who-knows-when corporate job, I can definitely say that I needed an outlet to express myself outside of color-coded excel spreadsheets and sassy review notes. So far it has been pretty enjoyable to write about my thoughts and experiences (aka mainly wedding related things), but I don’t want to feel pressured to “provide content” because I’m really doing this for me! I hope that I can continue to write more and document our lives.

2. Live a healthier lifestyle. 

This has been a recurring goal in some way for pretty much every year of my life, whether it is drinking more water/less soda (which I always try to do) or eating healthier. Now I am 25 and really need to start acting like an adult. I feel like it is time for me to take control of my health and start focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. I grew up dancing my entire life and really had no problem eating whatever I wanted. But now that my dancer life has passed and my working-woman life has started, I want to make sure that my health is one of my top priorities starting this year and going forward.

3. Run a 5K.

As part of my “live a healthier life” goal, I want to run a 5K this year. I know it may not seem like a lot to most people, but running has never been something I have gotten into. I always used to say that a dancer’s stamina is different from a runner’s. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t know because I never really gave running a shot (I don’t think I have run a full mile without breaks since high school). I’m planning on starting slowly and working my way up! Luckily I have a wonderful husband who supports me and promises to be my running buddy!

4. Travel more.

Traveling is something that I absolutely love. I love visiting new countries, trying new foods, and seeing historic places. Last year we were fortunate enough to be able to travel to a lot of places (San Antonio, New Orleans, Santorini, etc.), but there are so many more places I want to visit in my lifetime. Before we have kids, Drew and I want to travel across the globe and explore new cities. Now that the wedding is over (cue the tears), I hope that we will be able to continue our adventures and travel around the US and even the world!

5. Strengthen my relationships.

I am definitely the type of person that has few but great friendships. Most of my best friends live in other cities so I don’t get to see them as often as I would like! I am super thankful that my friendships with these women are the “pick up right where we left off” friendships. This year, though, I want to reach out and connect more. I really value my friendships and always enjoy spending time with these people in my life so this year I want to make a better effort to call, travel and catch up with the important people in my life.

6. Create family traditions.

Drew and I have now been husband and wife for almost 3 months (yay)! Since getting married, however, we moved in with his parents to save for our soon-to-be-home (thank God for having such wonderful in-laws who I really do love spending time with). As much as I love living with Drew’s parents (which I really honestly do, minus maybe having to downsize my closet by 60%), we haven’t had a chance to create our own family traditions. I hope that as we continue to live our lives as husband and wife and start our family (only fur babies this year, people), we are able to create our own Wiley traditions.

These are a few of the main goals that I hope to work toward in 2018! I have a great feeling about this year and can’t wait to see what all it has in store

Happy New Year!


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