
Making Our Wedding Album

Drew and I got our wedding photos back a few weeks ago and they are absolutely beautiful! Lindsay took over 2500 photos and had them ALL edited and back to us within TWO WEEKS of our wedding. Two weeks people! I don’t know how she does it but we love her for it! Now that we have all of these wonderful photos, I wanted to put them into an album that we could keep forever. Last summer, I made a photobook with all of our adventures from our time in China. We took so many pictures but didn’t know what to do with them, so I decided that creating a photobook would be the perfect way to keep our memories neat and organized!

One of my best friends recommended this book creating company called Blurb. It’s a program you can download and essentially create your own photobook from scratch! Blurb allows you to pretty much design your book however you want, from picking your book size, to the type of pages you use, to the number of pages. I spent a few hours this past weekend picking the best pictures and figuring out the layout of them to create our wonderful book! It’s a bit pricey, but lucky for everyone, Blurb always seems to have some sort of promotion for 20-50% off any orders! If you are looking for a way to create the perfect wedding album, Blurb is a great option!


STEP 1: Create an account with Blurb.

STEP 2: Download BookWright, Blurb’s own book-designing software.

STEP 3: Pick your book size, page type and number of pages (you can change the # of pages later).

STEP 4: Import pictures from your computer.

STEP 5: Start designing!

STEP 6: Preview with a PDF download.

STEP 7: Upload your book to Blurb and order from your dashboard.


STEP 8: Enjoy your masterpiece!


Happy photobooking!



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